Tag Archives: Danger

“How Danger is Picture Morphing” “Risk of Picture Morphing”

Picture morphing

“How Danger is Picture Morphing” “Risk of

Picture Morphing”

It is not worth disturbing someone who is using evolving technology just because it is straightforward and easy to use.

1.He was a tenth grader. Now that preliminary exams are over, everyone is eager for exams and college. There was a send-off celebration. The boy, thinking of something different to do after school, altered pictures of the principal and several teachers and uploaded them to the school’s Instagram page for alumni. shared in WhatsApp groups as well. The images quickly gained popularity and made their way to the teachers.

When editing the photo, the student hadn’t done anything careless. Still, the pictures were shot in a cartoonish manner. On the other hand, it was disliked by some principals and teachers. The student was located after an investigation to determine who took these pictures was conducted.

The police received a complaint from the school. Parents were shocked when the boy in the tenth grade filed a police complaint. Following the parents’ request and the child’s counselling, the school retracted the complaint. The boy’s lack of awareness that he was acting improperly throughout this entire situation was recognized by the counsellors. The student was furious for a long time because they believed that we teased our teachers in the same way that we teased our peers.

2.In a different instance, a teenage girl altered her friend’s picture because she was jealous that the woman gave her more attention in class. She posted her friend’s face on a nude body while using a morphing app, and the post went viral. The police were contacted in this instance as well, but following counselling and police-led mediation, the situation was resolved and the complaint was withdrawn.

3.In the third instance, a boy spent several days cyberstalking a girl. He would try to follow her everywhere she goes and be the first to comment on every picture of her. He went to see her one day and made a proposal. Naturally, she declined since she had no prior knowledge of him. He altered her social media images after she rejected him because he could not bear the rejection and went viral.her face has already been downloaded and pasted onto her nude body.

Nowadays, morphing photos is quite simple. It is now far simpler after AI. There are lots of apps out there. Today, anyone can perform this task. Children should be made aware that such photo morphing is improper and that legal action may be pursued. Adolescents and young adults commit these crimes for amusement, retaliation, or fury.

It is vital to teach kids how to manage their emotions in order to achieve this. It is illegal to cause harm to someone out of resentment or jealously. It is not worth disturbing someone who is using evolving technology just because it is straightforward and easy to use. Children need to be made aware of the distinction.

As we examine each cybercrime in greater detail, let’s not forget that media literacy is at the core. Such cases can be stopped by laws, regulations, and other means, but developing media literacy and knowing how to use the media appropriately are more crucial. It is the ageless path.

Below are the details related to “Picture Morphing”

Determine which features or points on the source and target images correspond. This process is known as feature correspondence. These characteristics act as pivotal points when the morphing process occurs

Triangulation: Using the feature points that have been identified, divide the images into a series of triangles. A mapping between corresponding regions in the source and target images is established with the aid of this triangulation.

Warping: In order to gradually match the corresponding triangles in the target image, deform or warp the triangles in the source image. The locations of the feature points inside each triangle must be interpolated in order to accomplish this.

Cross-Dissolve: This technique combines the target image and the warped source image by blending them together. To achieve a seamless transition, this entails changing the transparency of each image throughout the morphing sequence.

Interpolation: By interpolating the warped feature points, create intermediate frames between the source and target images. This produces a series of pictures

Remember that although image morphing can be an enjoyable and artistic tool, privacy and consent should always be respected. This is especially true when morphing faces or other personal images.

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