Happy New Year 2024

Happy New Year 2024!

🌹 Enjoying the present 🌹 This is the real happiness of life!

Instead of troubling yourself thinking about how he acted like this, he acted like that, who acted like that, think about how you are going to act. Where did we go wrong? Study it. Leave their mistakes there and start the next journey.

There is not a single person in this world who does not have sorrows and difficulties in his life. He who created creation has to suffer all this. We are ordinary human beings, and the insistence that everything should be according to our mind is the cause of all human suffering. Someone’s bad behavior does not harm us. We get what we sow. No matter how anyone treats us, we treat everyone well. So good that the betrayer must yearn to be close again.

The true value of life is known only when it is time to struggle in your own life. The only thing to remember is that we are alive, so much remains. People who make their circumstances their strength never fail in life.

Life is not easy for anyone. We only think that everyone else is better than us. The happiest man is the one who determines his own worth and the unhappiest man is the one who only compares himself with others. Never let anyone estimate your worth and courage. Because the opposite is always looking for these two things.

A person has the same qualification that got you a job, but he still has no job. The bed you used in the hospital, where you recovered and were discharged, is the same bed that many others breathed their last. The same rain that produced a good crop in your field ruined someone else’s field

Be grateful then. Because what you have, others don’t have. Learn to be content. So be grateful for everything you have. Regret cannot change the past and worry cannot shape the future. That is why enjoying the present is the true happiness of life. By speaking ill of others and pointing out their vices, our goodness and accomplishments are never proved.

Never be proud of your age or your money. Because things that count will surely come to an end. After struggling through tough situations, one develops a valuable asset: self-confidence. Always be nice to the other person, not because that person is nice, but because you are nice.

We wish a very happy new year 2024 to all of you.

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